Hello from Gettysburg!

We hope this message finds you happy and healthy as the summer comes to an end! After a busy and exciting last academic year, we wanted to share a few short updates and introductions with our wonderful alumnae as we head into the fall semester.


During the spring ’24 semester, we tried our hand at new philanthropic endeavors, notably replacing Cupcake Wars. Instead, our larger event was the Sigma Bingo Bash. Hosted in the CUB Ballroom with prizes, homemade desserts, and live music all done by our sisters, we had a great turnout and saw such support from other Greek organizations. We also held a sweet and successful bake sale around Valentine’s Day called Cupcakes for a Cause. In total, we raised $1,000 for the March of Dimes Foundation–and we had so much fun doing it!

Sisterhood Shoutouts

Cassidy Haines ’26

As the current Alumnae Relations Chair, I thought I’d introduce myself! I’m Cassidy, a junior English major with a writing concentration and a minor in MGS from Ocean City, New Jersey. I’m also our Honor Council Chair for 2024, so I had the honor of attending the final Prevention Institute this past January. Around campus, I work in the English department, for The Gettysburgian as Assistant Magazine Editor, and for The Mercury as Fiction Genre Head; I’m also a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English Honor Society. My favorite Sigma memory (so far) is big/little reveals: nothing was as sweet as coming home to my family, and I can’t wait for it to grow!

Amanda Phan ’24

Amanda is a senior political science and economics double major from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She has been our DEI Chair for two semesters now, in addition to her many other involvements on campus. To name a few, she works in the Eisenhower Institute and Admissions. Over the summer, she has an internship as an EI Summer Fellow with the Communications team at Planned Parenthood DC. She says her favorite Sigma memory was her big/little reveal, “where I got into the best fam line ever!” Amanda has been a bright ray of sunshine in our chapter, and we are so lucky to have her!

Chapter Updates & Achievements

Although we miss our newest alumnae dearly, they’re all headed for amazing things that we cannot wait to celebrate! Two of our recent graduates received prestigious awards at this past year’s Order of Omega Awards Ceremont: Cristin MacIntosh won the Unsung Hero Award, and Hanna Schwarzer was titled the Senior Sorority Woman of the Year. Our chapter won Spring Highest GPA for New Members along with Best New Member Education Program. At the end of the 2023-34 year, we had the highest sorority cumulative average GPA of 3.52! We’re excited to keep up the hard work this year.

Alumnae Brunch & Homecoming

Homecoming weekend for 2024-25 is officially September 20-22. Mark your calendars for 10am=12pm on September 21 for Tri Sigma’s Alumnae Brunch! Like last year’s event, pictured below, we will host another light brunch, this time hosted in the chapter suite! We hope to see lots of our alumnae for a relaxing morning before a busy weekend.

Chapter Room Fundraising

Finally, after this year’s formal recruitment and in anticipation of future recruitment endeavors, we hope to give our chapter suite some much needed updates including replacing some chairs and furniture that are in less-than-ideal condition. We also have some aesthetic ideas in mind, like a nice rug and more pleasing decorations! The suite hasn’t had a refresh in almost 10 years, so it feels like it’s time.

If you are interested in helping us fund these endeavors, please follow this link or the steps below:

  1. Navigate to https://www.gettysburg.edu/giving
  2. Select the “Give Online Now” option
  3. Under the section titles “Designations” select “Other or multiple designations”
  4. Select “Other Fund(s)”
  5. Under “Please specify:” type the chapter’s full name (Sigma Sigma Sigma)

Any donations are greatly appreciated! These funds will allow us to make our second home on campus truly feel like a home.


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